Hiii its jade! my first week of lock down I was soo productive. I got all the jobs done in the house, jet washed the back garden, painted the kitchen and my bedroom. I got through all the washing and actually ate at normal times, not like when were in the salon hahaha!
The second week I didn't move from the sofa, binge watching series. Its mad how doing nothing can make you feel so negative. I felt more tired doing nothing and had no get up and go.
The third week of lockdown I decided to actually get up wash and blow my hair and put my positive pants on! Me Beth and Chelsea had a 3 way call and decided to use this time to plan for the future and get things done we never have time to do. We have now got this brand new website that weve been saying we would get since before Christmas, were planning the new décor in the salon, creating online training courses for our website and looking into new treatments to offer in the salon!
I'm going to be making videos on how to remove hair extensions for any of our ladies who are struggling and need them out.
Stay safe and make the most of this time off, put your feet up and chill but also try to stay active when you can.
